Wednesday, November 30, 2005

It's Official -- I'm a Blancmange

I was looking in a full-length mirror the other day, and suddenly it hit me. After two years of going to school while working simultaneously, and having to forego the gym for nearly a year.... I've turned in to a bland, custardy British dessert product.

This is not good. I have a massive crush on someone. If it turns out, when it all comes out in the wash, that he feels the same, how will I ever be able to get naked with him? I can only hope that once this is all over, and I'm done with the two-days-a-week in class thing, I'll be able to drag my sorry, custardy ass back into the gym and beat the "blancmange" out.

On the other hand, maybe he likes blancmange. Oh, don't be stupid, Catharine. Who really likes blancmange?



  1. Blancmange - Ha! How do you come up with this stuff?

    Ooooo, does this contemplation of possible nakedness mean that you are about to reveal your crush to him?

  2. We shall see... it is entirely possible in the coming weeks that the status of our relationship might... uhmmm... shift....

    How's that for vague?


  3. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Lots of us love it. As a man married to a Blancmange for more than 20 years, I know of what I speak!

  4. Anonymous3:59 PM

    go get cho man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Seriously. You're my Best Friend and I've never heard you use such language... Blancmange. Goodness.

    I have to ask with M3 where you come up with this stuff. And then I remember. Oh, yeah. She's that incredibly talented, witty-beyond measure, politically incorrect funny woman whom I know and love. I want to be you when I grow up!

    Now, speaking of Blancmange... As you know, I had a little Blancmange-Moment myself over the weekend (okay, a BIG Blancmange Moment). I'd suggest we call them BMs, but that's just gross. Anyway, I utterly empathize. You sound more ready to act that I do.

    Now, as far as the CRUSH, we've talked about this extensively. And you do have a concrete date, after which it is your womanly duty to:
    - Drop some very strong hints that you're interested... then, if he doesn't get it quickly...
    - Flirt shamelessly with him, and if he is receptive, but still not proactive in a response... You must:
    - ASK him out.

    That is what we call Having a Strategy. We Democrats are fairly good at this sort of thing. Assessing situations, weiging risk, but most of all ACTING.

    Remember, Dear Trekker (may I call you that?) that "The Good of the One outweighs the Good of the Many."

    I know! I know! But you know it must be done. Someone's gotta do it. It would be nice if that Someone would be him. But we're looking for RESULTS, not NICETIES.

    You GO Girl! Blancmange or no!
    I'll be your wingman anyday. :D

  7. Tomorrow will be quite telling, won't it?

    Orrrr... perhaps I've said too much.



  8. Hello? What's this about a plan? An actual strategy? And a firm date? I like it! Can't wait to hear about the successful outcome.

  9. Well, he all but ignored me on Wednesday, but then again, he was whisked into a conversation, and I had to get to work, so.... not much opportunity.

    I shall wait and see what happens in time....

