Monday, December 12, 2005

I Said It When I was Five, and I'll Say It Now.

Boys are icky.



  1. Damn right!!!!!!!!

    lets hate them

  2. Well... except for when you get into bed with icicle feet and they let you thaw your toes on their bellies. That's pretty nice... ;-)

    What happened? Do I need to FedEx some cookies or maybe even just straight chocolate?

  3. Hmmm... ya know what? In the broad light of Monday... I think maybe I dodged a bullet. Upon further reflection, it occurs to me that ALL boys may not be icky after all.

    In any case, Mary-Mia -- send the chocolate, so if it turns out that my first theory was correct, I'll be able to administer an emergency dose -- STAT!


  4. Yeah... boys are icky... until the NEXT heartthrob comes along... then all the sudden, they're un-icky again. How does that happen?!

  5. Oh, hush, you....



    (But the new one? He fine.... no?)
